Show For Company Parties

Full Lenght Show

Micro Magic Show

Special Projects

Show For Children

Show With Festive Elements

Outdoor Shows

Maciej Pol participated in many events, here are some of them:
- Tour of Dubai, Scharża, Casablanca
- Participation in the world festival of illusion in the Hague.
- The author of effects and the performer of one of main roles in the show: Santa Claus with the Bank Śląski (Silesian Bank). The shows in a multipurpose arena complex in Katowice, Poland, were watched by 30 thousand-audience of children. The special guest invited from TVP2 station – leading – TV presenter Katarzyna Dowbor.
- For the company Renault he prepared the effect of disappearing of the car.
- Show at the World Festival of the Art of illusion in Dresden.
- Main role in the television show: “Gwiazdy i Gwiazdki na Gwiazdkę” (Stars and Starlets for the Christmas).
Maciej Pol is the most outstanding Polish illusionist nowadays. In the role of the star he was invited to Vienna, Moscow, as well as Dubai. “Very well harmonizing the music and the choreographic routine with each other cause that shows of Maciej Pol are unique” – they wrote about him in Dubai newspaper ‘Gulf News’.
To get such reviews Maciej and his assistant Iza Tomaszewska had worked for many years.
ul. Jana Kilińskiego 7 B
99 – 100 Łęczyca
E-mail: maciejpol@maciejpol.pl
Information, available dates:
Izabela Ogrodnik Pol
+48 601 385 244
+48 693 704 516